In our men’s ministry, our goal is to support each other as we grow to maturity, becoming Godly leaders in our homes, workplaces, and the world. We encourage men to disciple other men, while living life together.

Men’s Life-Group meets:

Tuesday Morning: Prayer – 6:30 a.m. (Childcare NOT Provided)

Tuesday Night: Bible Study – 6:30 p.m. (Currently on BREAK)

Saturday Morning: Men’s Breakfast – 8:00 a.m. (Occasional)

Registration is open for our 2024 Men's Retreat "Zealous"

In a world that seeks to avoid truth, we men must stand for it. Spurgeon once said "Oh! For an outburst of true faith and holy zeal!" We are calling men out to join us for weekend of seeking the LORD. On top of that, the retreat at Ironwood camp will include a 2-night stay, 5 meals including BBQ, campfires, tightrope courses, Rifle Range, Archery and many more activities to choose from! Click the image to register for an action packed retreat!